TKNIKA is the Basque Vocational Education and Training (VET) Centre, promoted by the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Education and Training of the Education Department of the Basque Government. Through networking and direct involvement by the Basque VET teaching staff, the Centre develops innovative projects in the areas of technology, education and management.
Miguel Altuna LHII is a Joint State High Vocational Education and Training Center (HVET) in the Basque Country. The academic programmes offered at Miguel Altuna are addressed to students to be employed in the AM related Sectors. A wide range of technological offer is available at Miguel Altuna, updated to the current needs of the industry, with cutting edge technology, including the integrated of Cyber Physical Systems, digitalized shopfloors and labs, and other Industry 4.0 related equipments.
Da Vinci College is a regional VET College offering a great variety of secondary vocational courses in various branches together with (in)-company training and education for adults.The Sustainability Factory is situated on the Da Vinci College campus in Dordrecht, joining forces of business, education and local authorities. It is a special building, unique in Europe, where there is an innovative approach to sustainable education in collaboration with business and industry.
Curt Nicolin High school is a non-profit, so-called free school situated in Finspång, Sweden. The school is owned by the industrial companies in Finspång (51%) and the Municipality of Finspång (49%). Curt Nicolin High school is a part of the Teknik College in Östergötland, which is an Association of Industrial and Technical Centres in the region.
DHBW is a Cooperative State University, a higher education institution. Throughout its nine locations and three campuses, the university offers a broad range of undergraduate study programmes in the field of Business, Engineering, and Social Work. With around 34,000 enrolled students, over 9,000 partner companies and more than 125,000 graduates, the DHBW counts as one of the largest HE institutions in the German Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg. DHBW has a vast amount of knowledge and experience in dual studies, and higher education policy and management more generally.
AFM Cluster is the organisation that represents the interests of Advanced Manufacturing in Spain. Comprised of four industrial associations, it groups together almost 500 companies, which employ more than 16,500 people and bill more than 3.0 billion Euros. From its headquarters in San Sebastian, and its establishment in Tianjin (China), AFM CLUSTER works to promote internationalisation, industrial development, strategic positioning and employee training in its associated companies.
10XL is a start-up – founded in May 2016 – with a clear mission: providing XL additive manufacturing services to customers anytime and anywhere. 10XL participates in various acceleration programmes and has won a number of awards, such as the Royal Metaalunie Smart Manufacturing Award and the rapidPro Innovation Award.
EARLALL is a Brussels-based network of regions aiming to contribute to EU policy-making and cooperate in projects in the field of lifelong learning. It was established in 2001 under the initiative of regional governments willing to build a solid cooperation in the field of lifelong learning. Based on the unique strengths of every region and local authority, EARLALL facilitates regional collaborations and partnerships, as well as an open and rapid exchange of knowledge in a context of trust and confidence.