Based on those descriptions, the so called EXAM4.0 Collaborative Learning Factory has been defined to pilot the mentioned frameworks and concepts. EXAM4.0 wp5 has focused on piloting the advanced manufacturing workshops defined in previous WPs. We have generated a number of reports documenting the work we have carried out.
The structure of the piloting process is as follows, where each “ball” refers to a specific report:

Labs for Advanced Manufacturing. Collaborative Learning Factory approach for VET provision
The document you are handing serves as a guide document. It describes the EXAM4.0 Collaborative Learning Factory approach, its current participants in the piloting phase, its operational mode, benefits and main challenges related to its implementation. There is also a final reflection about the potentials of a wider CLF for AM within the European VET sector.
The present report is the validation of the proposed concept by EXAM4.0 stakeholders. The pursued objective of the study is to gather information from stakeholder groups referring to students & alumni, employees and representatives of H/VET and PHE institutions. Moreover, the survey should validate the services and activities developed in the “Cooperative Learning Factory”, also referred to as CLF, built for learners and individuals.
The ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, adapted to the project needs
Advanced Manufacturing Labs running
The document you are handling “Advanced Manufacturing Labs running“ gathers information about industry 4.0 technologies piloted in different labs represented in the EXAM4.0 consortium. Sections 2 and 3 describe the conceptual design of the CLF. Section4 includes details about the piloting process of 16 industry 4.0 technologies implemented in our labs and the relations among them. After an approach to technologies, we have described their influence on the CLF, the benefits and the opportunities for collaboration they provide.
Evidence on performance: Recorded data
This document details the evidence collected in the performance of the EXAM 4.0 pilot Workshop, providing the data recorded to allow the internal audit of the initiative and verification by the group of experts. The document details the two lines of action that have been followed by the consortium. On the one hand, the technologies and applications in Industry 4.0 that have been purchased or installed during the development of the project.
Protocol of exploitation of CLF by SMEs
This report, Protocol of exploitation of CLF by SMEs, is part of the impact side of the approach, specifically, impact of CLF for SMEs. For Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) the network bundles industry knowledge and technology expertise with information on skills needs and training demands, as well as on new job profiles and the corresponding new qualification requirements. Together with institutions, expert groups around specific I4.0 technical trends, it forms a unique ecosystem to deliver insights in new trends, skills mismatches and life-long learning opportunities with Micro-credentials. With this platform SMEs are supported in their transformation while creating an exceptional professional environment for exceptional people.
Protocol of exploitation of CLF by Entrepreneurs
This report, Protocol of exploitation of CLF by Entrepreneur, it is part of the impact side of the approach, specifically, impact of CLF for Entrepreneurs. For entrepreneurs in the field of Advanced Manufacturing the network bundles industry knowledge and technology expertise with information on skills needs and training demands, as well as on new job profiles and the corresponding new qualification requirements. Together with institutions, expert groups around specific I4.0 technical trends, it forms a unique ecosystem to deliver insights in new trends, skills mismatches and life-long learning opportunities with Micro-credentials. With this platform entrepreneurs are supported in the first steps on launching their business.
This document describes how entrepreneurs in Advanced Manufacturing can benefit from the Collaborative Learning Factory. With the contribution of the partner companies and based on existing programmes of some project partners, entrepreneurs are facilitated in the essential first steps of building up their innovation process, product development and collaboration with (international) partners in the community.
Verification of Advanced Manufacturing Labs (CLF), identifying local SMEs as partners of the EXAM4.0 HubReport on skills acquired by the students taking part in the piloting
The Cooperative Learning factory pursues the objective to implement a model that guides the actions and transform the existing national labs of partner institutions towards a Collaborative Learning Factory. In the CLF, a novel way of dealing with I4.0 competences was tested and experimented by introducing required future skills and competences in a practice-oriented manufacturing process.