EXAM 4.0, the platform of VET excellence that will drive innovation

The Excellent Advanced Manufacturing 4.0 project, EXAM 4.0 , EXAM 4.0 by its acronym, is one of the five Platforms of VET Excellence approved for funding by the Erasmus+ programme in 2019 under the Centres of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) pilot initiative launched by the European Commission in 2018. 8 partners from 5 countries (Spain, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands) representing the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector and the industry will work together in this innovative project, coordinated by TKNIKA, the Basque VET Research Centre.
The EXAM 4.0 project has two main objectives:
Establishing a European platform of excellent advanced manufacturing VET centres. The EXAM 4.0 hub aims at becoming a reference in skills governance in the participating regions/countries and at European level, setting up European regional skills ecosystems that bring together VET/HVET centres, companies, policy makers and individual lifelong learners.
Designing the main features of the EXAM 4.0 lab, where students can acquire relevant competences to work in 4.0 environments in the advanced manufacturing sector. A model will be created in terms of infrastructure, ICT applications, tools, skills needed and working processes. Then, it will be piloted in order to verify the relationship and interaction among the different elements contained in the design.
Project partners will work together in producing the above-mentioned impactful results, which will contribute to the following long-term aims:
Support the introduction of new technological, social and environmental trends in the education and industrial fields.
Design best approaches, methods and interventions to anticipate skills needs in the AM sector and adapt the training provision.
Support regional development and Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) by providing a portfolio of skills required to implement them in the AM sector.
Develop innovative learning methodologies and implement joint initiatives and projects.
Enhance the continuing professional development of teachers and trainers by providing pedagogical and technical skills and facilitating their participation in joint research projects.
Provide business incubators for VET learners to develop their entrepreneurial skills and projects.
Incentivize the participation of women and individuals coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Support the introduction of new technological, social and environmental trends in the education and industrial fields.
Design best approaches, methods and interventions to anticipate skills needs in the AM sector and adapt the training provision.
Support regional development and Smart Specialization Strategies (S3) by providing a portfolio of skills required to implement them in the AM sector.
Develop innovative learning methodologies and implement joint initiatives and projects.
Enhance the continuing professional development of teachers and trainers by providing pedagogical and technical skills and facilitating their participation in joint research projects.
Provide business incubators for VET learners to develop their entrepreneurial skills and projects.
Incentivize the participation of women and individuals coming from disadvantaged backgrounds.