Project partners TKNIKA and Miguel Altuna (Basque Country), DHBW (Germany), and Da Vinci College (the Netherlands) hosted online regional events on 23 June 2021 aimed at engaging local stakeholders in EXAM 4.0 activities and transferring its results.
TKNIKA and Miguel Altuna gathered key Basque stakeholders in the field of skills for Advanced Manufacturing (AM) and introduced them to the remaining steps of the project. Welcoming words by Rikardo Lamadrid, Director of Technology and Advanced Learning at the Basque Vice-Ministry for VET, were followed by presentations by Iñigo Araiztegui, Project Coordinator, and Unai Ziarsolo, from Miguel Altuna VET Centre. Key aspects tackled were the building of the EXAM 4.0 hub, the strategic aspects of the project for the region, and the role of different stakeholders in it.
In Baden-Württemberg, a lively discussion was hosted by DHBW. An intensive exchange of information among the participants, the DHBW and a representative from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce Ostwuerttemberg took place. The event allowed to gather insights about the Cube concept for skills management with a multi-stakeholder approach.
Lastly, Da Vinci College introduced the concept of collaborative learning factories and fostered the discussion among different stakeholders in the Netherlands. Regional AM companies that have contributed to the EXAM 4.0 market consultation were brought together with students and teachers from Da Vinci College.
For more information about EXAM 4.0 events, please visit