EXAM4.0 next steps: Open Innovation Community

With the aim of facilitating the generation of new knowledge related to Advanced Manufacturing Technologies and the skills and competences needed to implement and work with them, our Open Innovation Community will bring together agents with different types of knowledge (Jensen et al. 2007) – knowledge-what, knowledge-why, knowledge-who, and knowledge-how – and support the development…

EXAM 4.0 next steps: Observatory

This is the second publication of our future plans. Link to the first. In this post, we will talk about the Advanced Manufacturing trends and skills observatory. VET providers ignore the latest developments of labour market trends, technologies, and skills. It is paradoxical because there is plenty of good quality information such as Cedefops’ work…

Session on VET excellence at the European conference on developments in vocational training : the French experience of Campus des métiers et des qualifications

Today we have presented EXAM 4.0 at the European conference on developments in Vocational Training: the French experience of Campus des métiers et des qualifications hosted by the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, with the funding and active support of the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission. Today’s first plenary…

EXAM 4.0 Regional/National Multiplier Event. Excellent Training in Advanced Manufacturing. Recording available

The recording of the EXAM 4.0 Regional/National Multiplier Event is available. In this video, we present in Basque and Spanish languages the approach of our Collaborative Learning Factory. If you are interested in Learning Factories and their potential use in VET/HVET, implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies at VET labs, and international cooperation using IT infrastructure,…

EXAM 4.0 in the TA3 Webinar on Advanced Manufacturing

Last Thursday, May 27, Unai Ziarsolo, discussed relevant aspects from the EXAM 4.0 project in the TA3 webinar on Advanced Manufacturing. TA3 is the acronym of the Transatlantic Technology and Training Alliance. It is a network of VET centres from the United States of America and Europe. During the event, which lasted about one hour,…

EXAM 4.0 in the Erasmus+ KA2 and KA3 projects dissemination day

The Basque VET centres organised the KA2 and KA3 project dissemination day on the 22nd of April. 26 Basque schools presented their Erasmus+ innovation projects to an audience of around 100 participants from several European and non-European countries. The full recording of the event is available HERE. In an event that lasted about two full…